发布于 2023-01-12 / 61 阅读

tomcat 线程数和连接数(tomcat默认线程池数量)




  • Connector的主要功能,是接收连接请求,创建Request和Response对象用于和请求端交换数据;

  • 然后分配线程让Engine(也就是Servlet容器)来处理这个请求,并把产生的Request和Response对象传给Engine。

  • 当Engine处理完请求后,也会通过Connector将响应返回给客户端。



根据协议的不同,Connector可以分为HTTP Connector、AJP Connector等,本文只讨论HTTP Connector。




BIO是Blocking IO,顾名思义是阻塞的IO;NIO是Non-blocking IO,则是非阻塞的IO。

而APR是Apache Portable Runtime,是Apache可移植运行库,利用本地库可以实现高可扩展性、高性能;Apr是在Tomcat上运行高并发应用的首选模式,但是需要安装apr、apr-utils、tomcat-native等包。










在NIO实现的Connector中,处理请求的主要实体是NIoEndpoint对象。NIoEndpoint中除了包含Acceptor线程和Worker线程池外,还用了Poller线程,处理流程如下图所示 :



  • (1). 把Socket请求封装成一个PollerEvent事件

  • (2). 添加到Poller线程中的同步队列SynchronizedQueue中,使用了典型的生产者-消费者模式,通过共享资源实现线程之间的通讯

refer to :

在Poller线程中,维护了一个Selector对象;当Poller线程从队列中取出socket后,注册到该Selector中;然后通过遍历Selector,找出其中可读的socket,并使用Worker线程池中的线程来读取数据,生成request对象,并处理相应请求。 与BIO类似,Worker线程池也可以被自定义的线程池代替。























acceptCount的设置,与应用在连接过高情况下希望做出什么反应有关系。如果设置过大,后面进入的请求等待时间会很长;如果设置过小,后面进入的请求立马返回connection refused。




<Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix ="catalina-exec-" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4" />  

<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="1000" />  



查看端口的连接数 和 线程数


[root@localhost ~]# netstat -nat | grep 8082
tcp6       0      0 :::8082                 :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0   ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0   ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0     ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0   ESTABLISHED




[root@localhost ~]# ps -ef | grep java
root        1679       1  0  2022 ?        02:47:25 /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_341/bin/java -Djava.ext.dirs=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_341/jre/lib/ext:/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_341/lib/ext -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m -Dnacos.standalone=true -Dnacos.member.list= -Xloggc:/home/tools/nacos/logs/nacos_gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=100M -Dloader.path=/home/tools/nacos/plugins/health,/home/tools/nacos/plugins/cmdb,/home/tools/nacos/plugins/selector -Dnacos.home=/home/tools/nacos -jar /home/tools/nacos/target/nacos-server.jar --spring.config.additional-location=file:/home/tools/nacos/conf/ --logging.config=/home/tools/nacos/conf/nacos-logback.xml --server.max-http-header-size=524288 nacos.nacos
root       65667       1  0  2022 ?        00:19:33 /usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /usr/share/java/jenkins.war --webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --httpPort=7500 --accessLoggerClassName=winstone.accesslog.SimpleAccessLogger --simpleAccessLogger.format=combined --simpleAccessLogger.file=/var/log/jenkins/access_log
root      762804       1  0 Jan05 ?        00:09:05 java -jar clear-data-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
root     1840526       1  1 Jan07 ?        01:35:13 java -jar iot-data-api.jar
root     3520989       1  0 Jan11 ?        00:04:25 java -jar iot-manage.jar
root     3783529 3781884  0 10:09 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto java

我们找到了,进程id为3520989 的 进程。


[root@localhost ~]# ps -o nlwp 3520989

nlwp含义是number of light-weight process,即线程 (轻量级进程) 的数量。


ps -T -p 进程id  


[root@localhost ~]# ps -T -p 3520989
    PID    SPID TTY          TIME CMD
3520989 3520989 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520991 ?        00:00:15 java
3520989 3520992 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520993 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520994 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520995 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520996 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520997 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520998 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3520999 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521000 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521001 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521002 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521003 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521004 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521005 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521006 ?        00:00:00 java
3520989 3521007 ?        00:00:23 VM Thread
3520989 3521008 ?        00:00:00 Reference Handl
3520989 3521009 ?        00:00:00 Finalizer
3520989 3521010 ?        00:00:00 Signal Dispatch
3520989 3521011 ?        00:00:11 C2 CompilerThre
3520989 3521012 ?        00:00:12 C2 CompilerThre
3520989 3521013 ?        00:00:11 C2 CompilerThre  

SPID 表示线程id


  top -H -p 进程id


  [root@localhost ~]# top -H -p 3520989
top - 10:24:57 up 22 days, 19:35,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.09, 0.14
Threads: 305 total,   0 running, 305 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.8 us,  0.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 98.8 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :  31579.1 total,    264.4 free,  10203.8 used,  21110.9 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  15952.0 total,  15669.7 free,    282.3 used.  19456.2 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                    
3521016 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.3   8.8   0:14.30 C2 CompilerThre                                                                                            
3521017 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.3   8.8   0:12.17 C2 CompilerThre                                                                                            
3521139 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.3   8.8   0:02.12 quartzScheduler                                                                                            
3521141 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.3   8.8   0:02.10 quartzScheduler                                                                                            
3521218 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.3   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e                                                                                            
3520989 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 java                                                                                                       
3520991 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:15.33 java                                                                                                       
3520992 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3520993 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.57 java                                                                                                       
3520994 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3520995 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.56 java                                                                                                       
3520996 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3520997 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java                                                                                                       
3520998 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java                                                                                                       
3520999 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.55 java                                                                                                       
3521000 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3521001 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3521002 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java                                                                                                       
3521003 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3521004 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java                                                                                                       
3521005 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java                                                                                                       
3521006 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java                                                                                                       
3521007 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:23.56 VM Thread                                                                                                  
3521008 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02 Reference Handl                                                                                            
3521009 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.03 Finalizer                                                                                                  
3521010 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 Signal Dispatch                                                                                            
3521011 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:11.92 C2 CompilerThre  



top -H -p 3520989 -n 1 -b >top.txt  

top.txt 的内容如下:

top - 10:38:29 up 22 days, 19:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.88, 0.43, 0.26
Threads: 305 total,   0 running, 305 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.0 us,  0.6 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.4 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :  31579.1 total,    286.0 free,  10204.8 used,  21088.4 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  15952.0 total,  15673.2 free,    278.8 used.  19510.1 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
3520989 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 java
3520991 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:15.33 java
3520992 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3520993 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.57 java
3520994 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3520995 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.56 java
3520996 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3520997 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java
3520998 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java
3520999 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.55 java
3521000 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3521001 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3521002 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java
3521003 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3521004 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.58 java
3521005 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java
3521006 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.59 java
3521007 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:23.94 VM Thread
3521008 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02 Reference Handl
3521009 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.03 Finalizer
3521010 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 Signal Dispatch
3521011 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:12.06 C2 CompilerThre
3521012 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:12.69 C2 CompilerThre
3521013 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:11.69 C2 CompilerThre
3521014 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:12.66 C2 CompilerThre
3521015 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:11.33 C2 CompilerThre
3521016 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:14.44 C2 CompilerThre
3521017 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:12.25 C2 CompilerThre
3521018 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:13.63 C2 CompilerThre
3521019 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:03.66 C1 CompilerThre
3521020 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:03.77 C1 CompilerThre
3521021 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:03.68 C1 CompilerThre
3521022 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:03.84 C1 CompilerThre
3521023 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 Service Thread
3521024 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:18.97 VM Periodic Tas
3521027 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.16
3521029 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.47
3521030 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521031 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521032 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos.publisher
3521033 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00
3521034 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.58
3521035 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.07 grpc-nio-worker
3521037 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:04.34 grpc-nio-worker
3521055 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521056 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.31
3521057 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521058 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00
3521059 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.49
3521060 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.08 grpc-nio-worker
3521061 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:03.87 grpc-nio-worker
3521076 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521077 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.45
3521078 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521079 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00
3521080 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.61
3521081 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.13 grpc-nio-worker
3521082 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:04.35 grpc-nio-worker
3521091 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521092 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:09.83 lettuce-timer-3
3521095 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.96 Catalina-utilit
3521096 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:03.03 Catalina-utilit
3521097 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 container-0
3521098 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521100 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521101 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02 IdleConnectionM
3521102 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.78 mysql-cj-abando
3521103 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521106 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.18 Druid-Connectio
3521107 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.03 Druid-Connectio
3521108 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.91 lettuce-nioEven
3521109 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521110 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521111 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521112 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521113 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521114 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521115 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521116 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521120 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521123 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521124 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521125 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521126 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521127 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521128 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521129 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521130 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521131 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521132 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521133 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.13 quartzScheduler
3521134 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.13 quartzScheduler
3521135 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.15 quartzScheduler
3521136 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.15 quartzScheduler
3521137 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.12 quartzScheduler
3521138 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.14 quartzScheduler
3521139 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.15 quartzScheduler
3521140 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.13 quartzScheduler
3521141 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.13 quartzScheduler
3521142 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:02.12 quartzScheduler
3521143 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 quartzScheduler
3521145 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521148 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521155 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00
3521156 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.38 http-nio-8082-e
3521157 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.62 http-nio-8082-e
3521158 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.41 http-nio-8082-e
3521159 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.42 http-nio-8082-e
3521160 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521161 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521162 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.13 http-nio-8082-e
3521163 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521164 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521165 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521166 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521167 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.14 http-nio-8082-e
3521168 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521169 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.34 http-nio-8082-e
3521170 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521171 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.15 http-nio-8082-e
3521172 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.14 http-nio-8082-e
3521173 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521174 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.16 http-nio-8082-e
3521175 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521176 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.13 http-nio-8082-e
3521177 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521178 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521179 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521180 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.15 http-nio-8082-e
3521181 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.27 http-nio-8082-e
3521182 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521183 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.24 http-nio-8082-e
3521184 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521185 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.21 http-nio-8082-e
3521186 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.13 http-nio-8082-e
3521187 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521188 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521189 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521190 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.34 http-nio-8082-e
3521191 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521192 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521193 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521194 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.16 http-nio-8082-e
3521195 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521196 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521197 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521198 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521199 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.29 http-nio-8082-e
3521200 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521201 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.19 http-nio-8082-e
3521202 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.13 http-nio-8082-e
3521203 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.16 http-nio-8082-e
3521204 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521205 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521206 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.14 http-nio-8082-e
3521207 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521208 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521209 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521210 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521211 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521212 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521213 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521214 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521215 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521216 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521217 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521218 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521219 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.29 http-nio-8082-e
3521220 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521221 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521222 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521223 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.16 http-nio-8082-e
3521224 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521225 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.05 http-nio-8082-e
3521226 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.12 http-nio-8082-e
3521227 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521228 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.06 http-nio-8082-e
3521229 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.06 http-nio-8082-e
3521230 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521231 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521232 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.06 http-nio-8082-e
3521233 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521234 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521235 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.16 http-nio-8082-e
3521236 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521237 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521238 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521239 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521240 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.17 http-nio-8082-e
3521241 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.13 http-nio-8082-e
3521242 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521243 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521244 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.05 http-nio-8082-e
3521245 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.07 http-nio-8082-e
3521246 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.08 http-nio-8082-e
3521247 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.13 http-nio-8082-e
3521248 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521249 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.06 http-nio-8082-e
3521250 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521251 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10 http-nio-8082-e
3521252 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.14 http-nio-8082-e
3521253 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.36 http-nio-8082-e
3521254 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.11 http-nio-8082-e
3521255 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09 http-nio-8082-e
3521256 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:01.72 http-nio-8082-P
3521257 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.04 http-nio-8082-A
3521269 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521281 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521284 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521292 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521299 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521304 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521312 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521317 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521323 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521331 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521335 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521341 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521349 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521353 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521359 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521367 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521371 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521377 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521382 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.49
3521389 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521392 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521481 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521488 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521491 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521499 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521506 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521509 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521510 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 lettuce-eventEx
3521511 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521519 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521523 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521529 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521537 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521541 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521547 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.16
3521555 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521559 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.10
3521565 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521582 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521586 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521592 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521597 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521604 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.37
3521607 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.09
3521615 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521622 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521625 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521633 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521640 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521644 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521652 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521661 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521664 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521672 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521677 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521683 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521688 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521692 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521698 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521787 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521791 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521797 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.22
3521805 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521809 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521815 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521823 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521827 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521833 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521841 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521852 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521858 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521865 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521869 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521875 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3521889 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521896 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00
3521899 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521907 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521914 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521917 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521925 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01
3521931 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02
3523230 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 Java2D Disposer
3523267 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.17 schedule-pool-1
3523400 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.02 schedule-pool-2
3523416 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 Druid-Connectio
3523417 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01 Druid-Connectio
3538017 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01 schedule-pool-3
3538168 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01 schedule-pool-4
3538273 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.01 schedule-pool-5
3670898 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 logback-1
3753659 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 logback-2
3762091 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 logback-3
3792001 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos-grpc-clie
3792005 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos-grpc-clie
3792009 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos-grpc-clie
3792019 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos-grpc-clie
3792022 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos-grpc-clie
3792027 root      20   0   19.9g   2.7g  21220 S   0.0   8.8   0:00.00 nacos-grpc-clie

可以看到,java线程总共有18个,tomcat的connector线程总共有102个(以http-nio-8082开头的),nacos的线程数总共有103个(以开头的) ,logback的线程数有3个(以logback开头的)等。
