发布于 2023-01-12 / 39 阅读


TriggerListeners and JobListeners

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Listeners are objects that you create to perform actions based on events occurring within the scheduler. As you can probably guess, TriggerListeners receive events related to triggers, and JobListeners receive events related to jobs.

Trigger-related events include: trigger firings, trigger mis-firings (discussed in the “Triggers” section of this document), and trigger completions (the jobs fired off by the trigger is finished).

The org.quartz.TriggerListener Interface

public interface TriggerListener {

    public String getName();

    public void triggerFired(Trigger trigger, JobExecutionContext context);

    public boolean vetoJobExecution(Trigger trigger, JobExecutionContext context);

    public void triggerMisfired(Trigger trigger);

    public void triggerComplete(Trigger trigger, JobExecutionContext context,
            int triggerInstructionCode);

Job-related events include: a notification that the job is about to be executed, and a notification when the job has completed execution.

The org.quartz.JobListener Interface

public interface JobListener {

    public String getName();

    public void jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext context);

    public void jobExecutionVetoed(JobExecutionContext context);

    public void jobWasExecuted(JobExecutionContext context,
            JobExecutionException jobException);


Using Your Own Listeners

To create a listener, simply create an object that implements the org.quartz.TriggerListener and/or org.quartz.JobListener interface. Listeners are then registered with the scheduler during run time, and must be given a name (or rather, they must advertise their own name via their getName() method).

For your convenience, rather than implementing those interfaces, your class could also extend the class JobListenerSupport or TriggerListenerSupport and simply override the events you’re interested in.

Listeners are registered with the scheduler’s ListenerManager along with a Matcher that describes which Jobs/Triggers the listener wants to receive events for.

Listeners are registered with the scheduler during run time, and are NOT stored in the JobStore along with the jobs and triggers. This is because listeners are typically an integration point with your application. Hence, each time your application runs, the listeners need to be re-registered with the scheduler.

Adding a JobListener that is interested in a particular job:

scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(myJobListener, KeyMatcher.jobKeyEquals(new JobKey("myJobName", "myJobGroup")));

You may want to use static imports for the matcher and key classes, which will make your defining the matchers cleaner:

import static org.quartz.JobKey.*;
import static org.quartz.impl.matchers.KeyMatcher.*;
import static org.quartz.impl.matchers.GroupMatcher.*;
import static org.quartz.impl.matchers.AndMatcher.*;
import static org.quartz.impl.matchers.OrMatcher.*;
import static org.quartz.impl.matchers.EverythingMatcher.*;

Which turns the above example into this:

scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(myJobListener, jobKeyEquals(jobKey("myJobName", "myJobGroup")));

Adding a JobListener that is interested in all jobs of a particular group:

scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(myJobListener, jobGroupEquals("myJobGroup"));

Adding a JobListener that is interested in all jobs of two particular groups:

scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(myJobListener, or(jobGroupEquals("myJobGroup"), jobGroupEquals("yourGroup")));

Adding a JobListener that is interested in all jobs:

scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(myJobListener, allJobs());

…Registering TriggerListeners works in just the same way.

Listeners are not used by most users of Quartz, but are handy when application requirements create the need for the notification of events, without the Job itself having to explicitly notify the application.


refer to :

SchedulerListeners are much like TriggerListeners and JobListeners, except they receive notification of events within the Scheduler itself - not necessarily events related to a specific trigger or job.

Scheduler-related events include: the addition of a job/trigger, the removal of a job/trigger, a serious error within the scheduler, notification of the scheduler being shutdown, and others.

The org.quartz.SchedulerListener Interface

public interface SchedulerListener {

    public void jobScheduled(Trigger trigger);

    public void jobUnscheduled(String triggerName, String triggerGroup);

    public void triggerFinalized(Trigger trigger);

    public void triggersPaused(String triggerName, String triggerGroup);

    public void triggersResumed(String triggerName, String triggerGroup);

    public void jobsPaused(String jobName, String jobGroup);

    public void jobsResumed(String jobName, String jobGroup);

    public void schedulerError(String msg, SchedulerException cause);

    public void schedulerStarted();

    public void schedulerInStandbyMode();

    public void schedulerShutdown();

    public void schedulingDataCleared();

SchedulerListeners are registered with the scheduler’s ListenerManager. SchedulerListeners can be virtually any object that implements the org.quartz.SchedulerListener interface.

Adding a SchedulerListener:


Removing a SchedulerListener:

