[root@hecs-x-medium-2-linux-20200622090234 jdk]# pwd
rpm -ivh jdk-8u191-linux-x64.rpm
# 默认安装到 /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_191-amd64
vim /etc/profile
# 跳转到底部,属于大写的G
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_191-amd64
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
# 使配置文件生效
source /etc/profile
java -version
maven version & jdk version
download &install
Artifact Repositories
A repository in Maven holds build artifacts and dependencies of varying types.
There are exactly two types of repositories: local and remote:
- the local repository is a directory on the computer where Maven runs. It caches remote downloads and contains temporary build artifacts that you have not yet released.
- remote repositories refer to any other type of repository, accessed by a variety of protocols such as
. These repositories might be a truly remote repository set up by a third party to provide their artifacts for downloading (for example, repo.maven.apache.org). Other “remote” repositories may be internal repositories set up on a file or HTTP server within your company, used to share private artifacts between development teams and for releases.
Local and remote repositories are structured the same way so that scripts can run on either side, or they can be synced for offline use. The layout of the repositories is completely transparent to the Maven user, however.
Downloading from a Remote Repository
Downloading in Maven is triggered by a project declaring a dependency that is not present in the local repository (or for a SNAPSHOT
, when the remote repository contains one that is newer). By default, Maven will download from the central repository.
To override this, you need to specify a mirror
as shown in Using Mirrors for Repositories.
You can set this in your settings.xml
file to globally use a certain mirror. However, it is common for a project to customise the repository in its pom.xml
and that your setting will take precedence. If dependencies are not being found, check that you have not overridden the remote repository.
For more information on dependencies, see Dependency Mechanism.
With Repositories you specify from which locations you want to download certain artifacts, such as dependencies and maven-plugins. Repositories can be declared inside a project, which means that if you have your own custom repositories, those sharing your project easily get the right settings out of the box. However, you may want to use an alternative mirror for a particular repository without changing the project files.
Some reasons to use a mirror are:
- There is a synchronized mirror on the internet that is geographically closer and faster
- You want to replace a particular repository with your own internal repository which you have greater control over
- You want to run a repository manager to provide a local cache to a mirror and need to use its URL instead
To configure a mirror of a given repository, you provide it in your settings file (${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
), giving the new repository its own id
and url
, and specify the mirrorOf
setting that is the ID of the repository you are using a mirror of. For example, the ID of the main Maven Central repository included by default is central
, so to use the different mirror instance, you would configure the following:
<name>Other Mirror Repository</name>
当maven需要到的依赖jar包不在本地仓库时, 就需要到远程仓库下载 .
这个时候如果maven setting.xml中配置了镜像 , 而且镜像配置的规则中匹配到目标仓库时 ,
maven认为目标仓库被镜像了, 不会再去远程仓库下载依赖jar包, 而是直接去镜像仓库下载.
简单而言, mirror可以拦截对远程仓库的请求 , 改变对目标仓库的下载地址。
我们知道,maven有一个中央仓库,即 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/。
但是,因为,有些大型的机构,会自己提供maven仓库,然后将本机构开发的jar包,发布到自己的maven仓库中。比如spring 、apache等。
因此,为了将这些大型机构的maven仓库 和 maven中央仓库,区分开,于是,给每个maven仓库,创建了一个别名。这样,我们通过别名,就能知道,去哪个仓库,下载jar包了。
常见的仓库 ,以及对应的别名如下:
仓库别名 | 源地址 |
central | https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ |
jcenter | http://jcenter.bintray.com/ |
public | central仓和jcenter仓的聚合仓 |
https://maven.google.com/ | |
gradle-plugin | https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/ |
spring | http://repo.spring.io/libs-milestone/ |
spring-plugin | http://repo.spring.io/plugins-release/ |
grails-core | https://repo.grails.org/grails/core |
apache snapshots | https://repository.apache.org/snapshots/ |
那么有了镜像后,我们怎么将对远程仓库的请求 , 改变对镜像仓库呢?
阿里云的maven仓库指南: https://developer.aliyun.com/mvn/guide
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
| This is the configuration file for Maven. It can be specified at two levels:
| 1. User Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for a single user,
| and is normally provided in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml.
| NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option:
| -s /path/to/user/settings.xml
| 2. Global Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for all Maven
| users on a machine (assuming they're all using the same Maven
| installation). It's normally provided in
| ${maven.conf}/settings.xml.
| NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option:
| -gs /path/to/global/settings.xml
| The sections in this sample file are intended to give you a running start at
| getting the most out of your Maven installation. Where appropriate, the default
| values (values used when the setting is not specified) are provided.
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
<!-- localRepository
| The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
| Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository
<!-- interactiveMode
| This will determine whether maven prompts you when it needs input. If set to false,
| maven will use a sensible default value, perhaps based on some other setting, for
| the parameter in question.
| Default: true
<!-- offline
| Determines whether maven should attempt to connect to the network when executing a build.
| This will have an effect on artifact downloads, artifact deployment, and others.
| Default: false
<!-- pluginGroups
| This is a list of additional group identifiers that will be searched when resolving plugins by their prefix, i.e.
| when invoking a command line like "mvn prefix:goal". Maven will automatically add the group identifiers
| "org.apache.maven.plugins" and "org.codehaus.mojo" if these are not already contained in the list.
<!-- pluginGroup
| Specifies a further group identifier to use for plugin lookup.
<!-- proxies
| This is a list of proxies which can be used on this machine to connect to the network.
| Unless otherwise specified (by system property or command-line switch), the first proxy
| specification in this list marked as active will be used.
<!-- proxy
| Specification for one proxy, to be used in connecting to the network.
<!-- servers
| This is a list of authentication profiles, keyed by the server-id used within the system.
| Authentication profiles can be used whenever maven must make a connection to a remote server.
<!-- server
| Specifies the authentication information to use when connecting to a particular server, identified by
| a unique name within the system (referred to by the 'id' attribute below).
| NOTE: You should either specify username/password OR privateKey/passphrase, since these pairings are
| used together.
<!-- Another sample, using keys to authenticate.
<passphrase>optional; leave empty if not used.</passphrase>
<!-- mirrors
| This is a list of mirrors to be used in downloading artifacts from remote repositories.
| It works like this: a POM may declare a repository to use in resolving certain artifacts.
| However, this repository may have problems with heavy traffic at times, so people have mirrored
| it to several places.
| That repository definition will have a unique id, so we can create a mirror reference for that
| repository, to be used as an alternate download site. The mirror site will be the preferred
| server for that repository.
<!-- mirror
| Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that
| this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used
| for inheritance and direct lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors.
<name>Human Readable Name for this Mirror.</name>
<!-- profiles
| This is a list of profiles which can be activated in a variety of ways, and which can modify
| the build process. Profiles provided in the settings.xml are intended to provide local machine-
| specific paths and repository locations which allow the build to work in the local environment.
| For example, if you have an integration testing plugin - like cactus - that needs to know where
| your Tomcat instance is installed, you can provide a variable here such that the variable is
| dereferenced during the build process to configure the cactus plugin.
| As noted above, profiles can be activated in a variety of ways. One way - the activeProfiles
| section of this document (settings.xml) - will be discussed later. Another way essentially
| relies on the detection of a system property, either matching a particular value for the property,
| or merely testing its existence. Profiles can also be activated by JDK version prefix, where a
| value of '1.4' might activate a profile when the build is executed on a JDK version of '1.4.2_07'.
| Finally, the list of active profiles can be specified directly from the command line.
| NOTE: For profiles defined in the settings.xml, you are restricted to specifying only artifact
| repositories, plugin repositories, and free-form properties to be used as configuration
| variables for plugins in the POM.
<!-- profile
| Specifies a set of introductions to the build process, to be activated using one or more of the
| mechanisms described above. For inheritance purposes, and to activate profiles via <activatedProfiles/>
| or the command line, profiles have to have an ID that is unique.
| An encouraged best practice for profile identification is to use a consistent naming convention
| for profiles, such as 'env-dev', 'env-test', 'env-production', 'user-jdcasey', 'user-brett', etc.
| This will make it more intuitive to understand what the set of introduced profiles is attempting
| to accomplish, particularly when you only have a list of profile id's for debug.
| This profile example uses the JDK version to trigger activation, and provides a JDK-specific repo.
<name>Repository for JDK 1.4 builds</name>
| Here is another profile, activated by the system property 'target-env' with a value of 'dev',
| which provides a specific path to the Tomcat instance. To use this, your plugin configuration
| might hypothetically look like:
| ...
| <plugin>
| <groupId>org.myco.myplugins</groupId>
| <artifactId>myplugin</artifactId>
| <configuration>
| <tomcatLocation>${tomcatPath}</tomcatLocation>
| </configuration>
| </plugin>
| ...
| NOTE: If you just wanted to inject this configuration whenever someone set 'target-env' to
| anything, you could just leave off the <value/> inside the activation-property.
<!-- activeProfiles
| List of profiles that are active for all builds.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
| This is the configuration file for Maven. It can be specified at two levels:
| 1. User Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for a single user,
| and is normally provided in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml.
| NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option:
| -s /path/to/user/settings.xml
| 2. Global Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for all Maven
| users on a machine (assuming they're all using the same Maven
| installation). It's normally provided in
| ${maven.conf}/settings.xml.
| NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option:
| -gs /path/to/global/settings.xml
| The sections in this sample file are intended to give you a running start at
| getting the most out of your Maven installation. Where appropriate, the default
| values (values used when the setting is not specified) are provided.
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
<!-- localRepository
| The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
| Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository
<!-- interactiveMode
| This will determine whether maven prompts you when it needs input. If set to false,
| maven will use a sensible default value, perhaps based on some other setting, for
| the parameter in question.
| Default: true
<!-- offline
| Determines whether maven should attempt to connect to the network when executing a build.
| This will have an effect on artifact downloads, artifact deployment, and others.
| Default: false
<!-- pluginGroups
| This is a list of additional group identifiers that will be searched when resolving plugins by their prefix, i.e.
| when invoking a command line like "mvn prefix:goal". Maven will automatically add the group identifiers
| "org.apache.maven.plugins" and "org.codehaus.mojo" if these are not already contained in the list.
<!-- pluginGroup
| Specifies a further group identifier to use for plugin lookup.
<!-- proxies
| This is a list of proxies which can be used on this machine to connect to the network.
| Unless otherwise specified (by system property or command-line switch), the first proxy
| specification in this list marked as active will be used.
<!-- proxy
| Specification for one proxy, to be used in connecting to the network.
<!-- servers
| This is a list of authentication profiles, keyed by the server-id used within the system.
| Authentication profiles can be used whenever maven must make a connection to a remote server.
<!-- server
| Specifies the authentication information to use when connecting to a particular server, identified by
| a unique name within the system (referred to by the 'id' attribute below).
| NOTE: You should either specify username/password OR privateKey/passphrase, since these pairings are
| used together.
<!-- Another sample, using keys to authenticate.
<passphrase>optional; leave empty if not used.</passphrase>
<!-- mirrors
| This is a list of mirrors to be used in downloading artifacts from remote repositories.
| It works like this: a POM may declare a repository to use in resolving certain artifacts.
| However, this repository may have problems with heavy traffic at times, so people have mirrored
| it to several places.
| That repository definition will have a unique id, so we can create a mirror reference for that
| repository, to be used as an alternate download site. The mirror site will be the preferred
| server for that repository.
<!-- mirror
| Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that
| this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used
| for inheritance and direct lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors.
<name>Human Readable Name for this Mirror.</name>
<!-- mirror
<!-- profiles
| This is a list of profiles which can be activated in a variety of ways, and which can modify
| the build process. Profiles provided in the settings.xml are intended to provide local machine-
| specific paths and repository locations which allow the build to work in the local environment.
| For example, if you have an integration testing plugin - like cactus - that needs to know where
| your Tomcat instance is installed, you can provide a variable here such that the variable is
| dereferenced during the build process to configure the cactus plugin.
| As noted above, profiles can be activated in a variety of ways. One way - the activeProfiles
| section of this document (settings.xml) - will be discussed later. Another way essentially
| relies on the detection of a system property, either matching a particular value for the property,
| or merely testing its existence. Profiles can also be activated by JDK version prefix, where a
| value of '1.4' might activate a profile when the build is executed on a JDK version of '1.4.2_07'.
| Finally, the list of active profiles can be specified directly from the command line.
| NOTE: For profiles defined in the settings.xml, you are restricted to specifying only artifact
| repositories, plugin repositories, and free-form properties to be used as configuration
| variables for plugins in the POM.
<!-- profile
| Specifies a set of introductions to the build process, to be activated using one or more of the
| mechanisms described above. For inheritance purposes, and to activate profiles via <activatedProfiles/>
| or the command line, profiles have to have an ID that is unique.
| An encouraged best practice for profile identification is to use a consistent naming convention
| for profiles, such as 'env-dev', 'env-test', 'env-production', 'user-jdcasey', 'user-brett', etc.
| This will make it more intuitive to understand what the set of introduced profiles is attempting
| to accomplish, particularly when you only have a list of profile id's for debug.
| This profile example uses the JDK version to trigger activation, and provides a JDK-specific repo.
<name>Repository for JDK 1.4 builds</name>
| Here is another profile, activated by the system property 'target-env' with a value of 'dev',
| which provides a specific path to the Tomcat instance. To use this, your plugin configuration
| might hypothetically look like:
| ...
| <plugin>
| <groupId>org.myco.myplugins</groupId>
| <artifactId>myplugin</artifactId>
| <configuration>
| <tomcatLocation>${tomcatPath}</tomcatLocation>
| </configuration>
| </plugin>
| ...
| NOTE: If you just wanted to inject this configuration whenever someone set 'target-env' to
| anything, you could just leave off the <value/> inside the activation-property.
<!-- activeProfiles
| List of profiles that are active for all builds.
The Maven Archiver is mainly used by plugins to handle packaging. The version numbers referenced in the Since column on this page are the version of the Maven Archiver component - not for any specific plugin. To see which version of Maven Archiver a plugin uses, go to the site for that plugin.
Customization the Manifest
The default manifest can be altered with the archive
configuration element. Below you will find some of the configuration options that are available. For more info see the Maven Archiver reference.
Manifest Entries
If you find that the other configuration options for Maven Archiver are not enough for manipulating the manifest, you can add your own entries to it. This is done with the <manifestEntries>
configuration element.
In this example we’ll add some entries to the manifest by specifying what we’d like in the <configuration>
element of maven-jar-plugin.
Note: As with all the examples here, this configuration can be used in all plugins that use Maven Archiver, not just maven-jar-plugin as in this example.
As you see above you can use literal values or you can have values from the POM interpolated into literals or simply use straight POM expressions. So this is what your resultant manifest will look like inside the created jar:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
mode: development
url: http://some.url.org/
This plugin provides the capability to build jars. To sign jars, use the Maven Jarsigner Plugin.
How to build a JAR file
When you want to create a JAR-file with Maven, you first have to create a pom.xml
-file with at least the following content:
<!-- <packaging>jar</packaging> -->
Since ‘jar’ is the default packaging type it is not required to set it in this case. Apart from the above you will normally want some real java source files which should be located within src/main/java
If you need extra resources on your classpath (for example property files) they should be located in src/main/resources
Now we can create a JAR-file by using the command below:
mvn package
The ‘package’ phase is always responsible for bundling all the files in the artifact, in this case a JAR-file.
In your project’s target
directory you’ll see the generated jar file which is named like: ‘core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar’. The resulting ‘jar’ file contains the compiled java class files as well as the files from src/main/resources
Usually there is no need to mentioned the ‘maven-jar-plugin’ explicit cause it’s bound to the Maven Build Life Cycle.
For full documentation, click here.
You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration:
<!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
<!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->
include/exclude content
Specify a list of fileset patterns to be included or excluded by adding <includes>
or <excludes>
in your pom.xml
Make The Jar Executable
If you want to create an executable jar file, you need to configure Maven Archiver accordingly. You need to tell it which main class to use. This is done with the <mainClass>
configuration element. Here is a sample pom.xml
configured to add the classpath and use the class fully.qualified.MainClass
as the main class:
The manifest produced using the above configuration would look like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Main-Class: fully.qualified.MainClass
Class-Path: plexus-utils-1.1.jar commons-lang-2.1.jar
source & target
Sometimes when you may need to compile a certain project to a different version than what you are currently using. The javac
can accept such command using -source
and -target
. The Compiler Plugin can also be configured to provide these options during compilation.
For example, if you want to use the Java 8 language features (-source 1.8
) and also want the compiled classes to be compatible with JVM 1.8 (-target 1.8
), you can either add the two following properties, which are the default property names for the plugin parameters:
or configure the plugin directly:
Configuring Your Compiler Plugin
Since the Compiler Plugin executes automatically during their phases, you don’t have to put executions
unlike many other plugins. However, you should specify the version of the Compiler Plugin.
<!-- put your configurations here -->
Starting JDK 9, the javac
executable can accept the --release
option to specify against which Java SE release you want to build the project. For example, you have JDK 11 installed and used by Maven, but you want to build the project against Java 8. The --release
option ensures that the code is compiled following the rules of the programming language of the specified release, and that generated classes target the release as well as the public API of that release. This means that, unlike the -source
and -target
options, the compiler will detect and generate an error when using APIs that don’t exist in previous releases of Java SE.
Since version 3.6 of the Compiler Plugin, this option can be provided either via a property:
or by configuring the plugin directly: